Sewer Questions

What do i do if i have a Sewer Backup?
Call the MUA Office at 468-1111 anytime of the day or night. The office is equipped with a Voice Mail Answering System. If an emergency occurs, leave your name, address and phone number, your call will be returned by the operations crew member that is on-call, as soon as possible.
Who is Responsible for a Sewer Backup if I don't have a Sewer Clean Out at the Curb?
The homeowner is responsible for any sewer back up if there is no clean out at the curb. The MUA will come out and determine if the sewer main is blocked and check the manholes in front of the residence. The MUA will not come inside any private residence and clean out plumbing fixtures.
Who is Responsible for the Sewer Clean Out?
The homeowner is responsible for the sewer service lateral from the house to the curb as well as the clean out. If the lid is missing or becomes broken, the homeowner is responsible to replace it. If there is a sewer back up, an operations crew member will come out and determine where the blockage is located as well as plunge the clean out to try to alleviate the problem. If the blockage is between the clean out and the sewer main, the line will be rooted to clean any debris. The operations crew member may suggest possible actions needed to avoid the same blockage in the future.