Water Conservations
Leak Detection
The Authority Utilizes Leak Detection Equipment to Locate and Repair Leaks as Quickly as Possible. Our efforts have enabled us to locate and replace more than 10,000 ft. of substandard 2" to 4" water main along with hundreds of water services throughout our distribution system.
Meter Repair & Replacement Program
The water meter replacement program began in l982. The goal of the program was to replace one hundred meters per year until the entire system is updated. The first two years of the program mainly consisted of replacing broken or stuck meters. After those meters were replaced the programs emphasis shifted toward those customers from which meter readings could rarely be obtained.
This was accomplished because the type of water meter selected for the water meter program was a radio reading meter that would allow meter readings from the outside of a building, eliminating the accessibility problem. The last type of water meter problem that had to be addressed were the old meters that were registering less than 90% (percent) of the flow. Since the inception of this program our system remains to be 100% (percent) metered and more than 95% (percent) of our old meters have been replaced.
Water Rate Structure
On Nov 1, 2013, the Authority developed and approved the existing rate structure that will be one of the most effective means of promoting water conservation.
Meter Reading & Billing Schedule
All meter reading and billing are done quarterly using three cycles with a different cycle being read & billed each month.
Public Education & Awareness
The Mantua Township Municipal Utilities Authority realizes that any water conservation program will not be successful unless the public and our users thoroughly understand the importance and the impact it will have on them and our future water supplies.
Being a small authority with limited funds and personnel, the amount of written information that can be mailed to users is small and the time our staff can devote is limited. The following water conservation plan is in effect:
- Have water restrictions between 11 AM to 6 PM.
- Distribute an annual "Consumer Confidence Report" which emphasizes water conservation.
Drought Emergency Plan
The Township's Drought Emergency Plan consists of the following:
- In the event of a drought, introduction and adoption of a new ordinance eliminating all non-essential water uses, such as watering lawns, washing car, etc., subject to fines for non-compliance.
- Redistribution of water conservation literature to all current users urging conservation.
Water Ordinance Adopted
An Ordinance adopting a comprehensive Water Conservation Plan was adopted by the Township Committee on August 14, 2001.